Aloft *Youth* Student Show: Myth Fairytales and Legends: 8pm

By Aloft Circus Arts (other events)

Saturday, March 9 2024 8:00 PM 9:30 PM CST

Once Upon a Time...its time again for our annual youth program student show and this year we present "Fairtytales, Myths and Legends"! 

Please make sure you are purchasing tickets for the CORRECT show! Performing classes and students in the 8pm show are listed below:

8pm Show Performers:

Kids AB Mixed Aerial Saturdays with Mary 

Beg/AB Teen Lyra with Kaitlyn

Intermediate Teen Lyra with Kristi

Teen AB Silks with Rachel

Teen Int 1 Silks with Rachel

Talia Solo

Madison Solo

Noa/Elsa Duo

Claire Solo

Satya Solo

There are no tickets at the door - once the show sells out, we are sold out! Please make sure you are purchasing the ticket you want - chair seating or floor! Doors open at 7:45pm.